My Life - So Far Childhood This is one of my favorite kid pics: Vic and me at Church Children's Camp posing for the Best Bible Scholar's Award when I was ten and he was eleven. I forgot about this photo (and Vic) until we reconnected my senior year of high school. God had a plan for those two squinting kiddos. We've been married for over four decades. The Short Story
Grew up in Birmingham, AL Graduated from West End High School BS in Education from Samford University Married Vic Norman Taught first grade while husband in med school Had two awesome children Missionary in Barranquilla, Colombia Published articles in Christian magazines Moved to Red Bay, AL Published devotionals Taught high school Spanish Worked in my husband's medical office Acquired six amazing grandchildren Retired (Wow! That went by fast.) Exploring America in our motorhome Writing and publishing my first book |
Traveling Tales
We served as missionaries in Colombia, South America for six years. Since moving back to the states we have roamed all over Ecuador, taken a train trip through the Canadian Rockies, explored the bustling streets of New York City, driven up the rugged coast of Maine, strolled through the plaza in Santa Fe, seen the red rocks of Sedona, and been amazed by the beautiful vistas in our National Parks in Yellowstone, Mesa Verde, Arches, the Great Smoky Mountains, and the Grand Canyon. We have stayed in many fine hotels; but these days we prefer the views from our campsite as we travel around this beautiful country in our Allegro Open Road motorhome. On Writing I enjoy taking the ideas dancing around in my head and sitting at the keyboard to fill up the lovely blank pages with meaningful words. I am thrilled to have published articles in a variety of Christian magazines over the past twenty years. Retirement has blessed me with time and space to blog and to write my first book. Vic and I have written a nonfiction book together about practical strategies for overcoming chronic illness. Practical Priorities for Fibromyalgia Recovery is available on Amazon in both a Kindle and paperback version. Click on the version you prefer. Or buy them both! Buy Kindle book. Buy paperback book. |