Microwave popcorn is extremely convenient. However, most brands you buy in the store are full of toxic chemical additives. You can enjoy the fun and deliciousness of microwave popcorn without the added harmful ingredients by making homemade microwave popcorn using this simple recipe.
You can make different flavors by adding your favorite spices and toppings after you add the salt and melted butter. If you adore spicy concoctions, add chili powder, cumin, and freshly ground pepper. Craving something salty/sweet? Sprinkle with brown sugar, cinnamon, and ground ginger. Love cheesy treats? Grate a little of your favorite cheese and sprinkle over the popcorn. Enjoy!
- Buy a jar of GMO-free organic popcorn.
- Get a package of small brown paper lunch bags.
- Put ¼ cup of popcorn in a lunch bag.
- Fold the top of the bag over 1” and make a crease. Continue folding over 1” and creasing until you get to the popcorn at the bottom of the bag.
- Put the bag in the microwave. Microwave ovens vary so you will have to test to determine the perfect timing for your oven. Mine takes 1 minute and 45 seconds to cook. Start with three minutes. Listen for the kernels to start popping. As the kernels pop the folds and creases you made in the bag will unroll. The sound of popping will increase and then start to slow. When the popping sound slows down, turn off the microwave. Make a note of how long the corn takes to pop in your specific microwave so you'll have an exact time for making this treat in the future.
- Take the bag out of the microwave and pour the popcorn into a large bowl. Drizzle with melted butter, sprinkle with a little salt, toss to coat, and dive into the deliciousness.
You can make different flavors by adding your favorite spices and toppings after you add the salt and melted butter. If you adore spicy concoctions, add chili powder, cumin, and freshly ground pepper. Craving something salty/sweet? Sprinkle with brown sugar, cinnamon, and ground ginger. Love cheesy treats? Grate a little of your favorite cheese and sprinkle over the popcorn. Enjoy!

Find more real food recipes, healthy living tips, effective strategies to improve fibromyalgia symptoms, methods to reduce toxic chemical exposure from common household products, and recipes and resources for creating a personalized healthy living plan in my new book, Practical Priorities for Fibromyalgia Recovery. Now available in paperback and eBook versions at amazon.com. Buy your favorite version today. Buy Kindle eBook. Buy Paperback.
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